

人气:287℃/时间:2024-04-28 12:54:28


1. The villagers were all too familiar with the consequences of crying wolf.


2. The boy was given the task of guarding the sheep, which was a great responsibility for such a young age.


3. The villagers were skeptical of the boy's claims at first, having heard false alarms before.


4. The boy's lie ended up endangering not only himself but also the entire village.


5. The moral of the story is that honesty is always the best policy, even in the face of danger.



"The Boy Who Cried Wolf" 是 "狼来了" 的英文版故事,以下是其中的好词好句:

1. Once upon a time, in a village nestled in the hills, there lived a boy who tended the village's flock of sheep. (从前,在山丘间的一个村庄里,有一个男孩负责村子的一群羊。)

2. One day, as the boy watched the sheep, he grew bored. (有一天,男孩看着羊,感到无聊。)

3. "Wolf! Wolf!" he shouted, running down the hill to the village. ("狼!狼!"他大声叫着,跑下山向村庄走去。)

4. The villagers came running, only to find the boy laughing. (村民们跑过来,却发现男孩在笑。)

5. The next day, the boy shouted again, "Wolf! Wolf!" But when the villagers came running, they found no wolf. (第二天,男孩又喊道:“狼!狼!”可是当村民们赶来时,却没有发现狼。)

6. Finally, a wolf did come to the village, and the boy cried out in terror. But no one came to help him, because they thought he was lying again. (最后,真的有一只狼来到了村庄,男孩吓得大喊。但是没有人来帮他,因为他们认为他在说谎。)

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