

人气:493℃/时间:2024-03-31 15:06:51


She has a small round face with a beautiful oval shaped chin, elegant eyebrows and sparkling eyes.

Her nose is slightly upturned, giving her a youthful and lively look.

Her lips are thin but curved, and she often smiles brightly to show her perfect teeth.

Her long black hair is often worn in a bun, adding a touch of elegance to her appearance.

She has a slender figure with small waist and a round buttocks, giving her a curvy and sexy look.

Her legs are long and slim, and she often appears in public wearing skirts or shorts to show off her long legs.



赵丽颖的脸型是比较瘦的而且很小的那种,她的五官很漂亮,又直又挺的鼻梁,圆圆的双眼皮大眼睛,嘴巴的话我觉得所有明星都一个样,这没什么好说的Zhao Liying's face is quite thin and very little of that, her facial features is very beautiful, straight and pretty nose, round big eyes double fold, mouth I think all stars are a kind of, this is not what to say赵丽颖的身材和大多数女星也差不多,细细的腰,长长的腿Zhao Liying's body and most of the stars are almost, thin waist, long legs他的身高是1.65cmHis height is 1.65cm发型的话,什么发型都漂亮Hair, then what kind of hair are beautiful服饰也是穿什么,什么好看Clothing is also what to wear, what looks good

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