


有关彩虹的句子英文怎么说 精选95句

1、你的笑容好耀眼忽然间 好像有彩虹搭满全世界

2、Thr ar many nic housing stats in Pudong Nw Ara. Our housing stat Rainbow stat, is on of thm. 浦东新区有很多漂亮的小区,我们的小区——彩虹小区,是其中之一。

3、Is the million-colored bow; 门拱是气象万千的彩虹;

4、Aldous Snow: Your brain is full of lollipops, rainbows, and cheese. 你满脑子都是棒棒糖、彩虹、芝士这些玩意儿。

5、Rainbow, rainbow, rain and sun. 彩虹彩虹,太阳雨。

6、Together make a rainbow. 架成一道彩虹。

7、你是独角兽 穿过魔法丛 是治愈我的小彩虹

8、Lele bear: what Rainbow Mountain do? 乐乐熊:彩虹山做什么?。

9、Which is shattered to pieces floating among the alga 是天上虹揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。

10、我把夏天等成甜筒可乐 露水等成彩虹 清晨等到满天星辰 在无尽的黑夜里走啊走啊走 可还是像玫瑰没有等到小王子那样 没等到你

11、OMG, it's a full on complete double rainbow all the way across the sky! 天哪,天上有两道横贯天际又大又粗的彩虹,欧也!

12、你的美不止一星半点 至此两岸青山 撤了云朵 四海溪流 盛光而下 于空舞了一帘彩虹

13、n. 多色

14、偷偷告诉你把彩虹垂下来 换一勺周日的阴郁 几颗乡下的小柿子 再试试那酸甜的涩味 周日 就试试想起我吧

15、Is the sediment of rainbow-like dream? 沉淀着着彩虹似的梦。


17、They take visitors to see the most beautiful rainbow. 他们带游客去观赏最美丽的彩虹。


19、The scene of a rainbow tastes like creamy vanilla and chocolate cake. 彩虹的景象,滋味就好像乳脂香草, 又像巧克力蛋糕。

20、The storm showed a rainbow at the end of which might be a pot of gold. 风暴过后会出现彩虹,彩虹的尽头可能是一坛金子。




24、Children enjoy spitting out iridescent soap pockets from pipes. 孩子们喜欢从管中吹出有彩虹色的肥皂泡泡。

25、Wu Bing to pull the rainbow to go, but the rainbow still insist that the person in charge of the truth. 吴兵要拉彩虹走,但是彩虹还是坚持跟物业负责人说道理。

26、总会好的 狮子会有草原 鹿会有森林 彩虹会有彼端 海洋会有海岸线 都会有依靠的

27、n. (Rainbow)人名;(英)雷恩博

28、And swam with rainbow octopus. 彩虹章鱼同游嬉。

29、Daniel:Can I see the rainbow? 丹尼尔: 我能看到彩虹吗?



32、A beautiful rainbow hangs in the sky after the rain. 雨后, 美丽的彩虹横空悬挂。



35、Rainbow pieces have a lifetime, so the gradually fade out to be replaced by new rainbow pieces. 彩虹段有生命期,所以用新的彩虹段替换原来的,产生逐渐淡化的效果。

36、The multi-wavelength entangled photon pairs are formed and characterized with an interferometer with a fixed optical path length difference between its short and long arms. 首先,紫外彩虹和可见彩虹的光子具有一一对应的关系,形成相关的光子对。



39、Old week did not say a few words, and then pulled himself and the rainbow thing, he asked how the rainbow did not give their answer. 老周还没说两句,就又扯到自己和彩虹的事情了,他问彩虹怎么还不给自己答复。

40、So I vision rainbows. 于是我看到彩虹;




44、In the sun shine, the bubble has shown that in several colors, beautiful, like rainbow reflection in bubbles inside. 在阳光的映照下,那泡泡呈现出几种颜色,漂亮极了,好像彩虹倒映在泡泡里。

45、This picture captures the rainbow at its brightest right before the rain started 这张照片抓拍了雨前的最美的彩虹。


47、After rain there’s a rainbow, after a storm there’s calm, after night there’s a morning, and after an ending there’s a new beginning.雨后会有彩虹,暴风雨后会有宁静,黑夜之后会有黎明,而结束之后会有新的开始。

48、vi. 呈彩虹状

49、Rainbow effect. The XJ-A130 is likely to display color separation artifacts, known colloquially as the rainbow effect. 彩虹现象---XJ-A130可能会显示色彩分离的现象,俗称彩虹效应。

50、A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. 彩[虹]⑴是⑸一种⑸自然现象⑩。


52、Rainbow, rainbow, rain and sun. Try to touch it, so much fun. 彩虹彩虹,太阳雨。摸摸看呀真有趣。


54、vt. 使呈彩虹状;如彩虹般装饰

55、adj. 五彩缤纷的

56、A delicate mix of light and bright flashes of iridescent color create these beautiful Opals. 光芒的精致混合,明亮的的闪光与彩虹的颜色造就绝美的欧泊。


58、彩虹固然美 但我们并不能把它摘下来 就如同你 美丽的遥不可及

59、n. 彩虹;幻想


61、This is the Rainbow Choir. Nearly every child is biracial; 这是彩虹合唱团,几乎所有的孩子都是混血儿。

62、摸不到的颜色是否叫彩虹 看不到的拥抱是否叫做微风 一个人想着一个人是否就叫寂寞

63、愿你掂掂脚 就能嗅到彩虹香味愿你荆棘路变玫瑰愿你的日子就像白日梦一样美愿你遇到的人都可贵




67、Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream. 沉淀了彩虹般的梦。



70、生活就是场彩虹和乌云的赛跑 日子这么糟糕 只不过是乌云跑的快点而已

71、The smaller rainbows tend not to have the same colour patterns as a normal rainbow, and the colours are lighter. 这个较小的彩虹往往不具备作为正常彩虹所应具有的颜色模式,色彩也往往要淡一些。


73、她说“月亮是弯的 我也是”她收集彩虹 地上 阳台上 手心里 嘴唇上她说”你才是我此生爱过的第一个女人”她说”如果你喜欢就去吧 我不阻拦你”


75、Lfl could reach a rainbow. 如果我可以够到彩虹…

76、“ 想要看见美丽的彩虹,就得承受滂沱大雨的洗礼。”

77、A rainbow arched across the sky. 一道彩虹横跨天际。

78、Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.忠于你的梦想,总有一天,属于你的彩虹会出现在你的上空。


80、And of rainbow father die suddenly, jiang Yu had the suspicion of do violence again. 而彩虹父亲的突然离世,江余又有了行凶的嫌疑。



83、The scene is just like the Rainbow group, like the picture of astronomical phenomena, which make you fell in the in the vast universe. 象汇聚的彩虹群,又象多彩的天像图,把人的遐想瞬间带入浩瀚的宇宙中。

84、How can Jiancaigong without rain! 不经风雨怎能见彩虹!

85、Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。


87、adj. 彩虹状的

88、The 19-year-old flaunted a present wrapped with rainbow ribbon, a pair of toe-socks in the bright rainbow colours and even an apron with 'Gay Icon' emblazoned across the front. 这位xx岁的明星炫耀他得到的一系列彩虹主题的礼物,用彩虹丝带包装的礼物,一双彩虹色的五指袜,甚至一条彩虹色前面写着“Gay Icon”的围裙。

89、No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.不管雨下了多久,雨后都将会有彩虹,不管有多悲伤,要坚信,幸福在等你!



92、Morning, I'm a colorful flower. 早安,我是彩虹色的花。

93、A bright rainbow arched above. 一弯彩虹悬挂在天空。

94、Bringing with it a rainbow. 带来了虹彩。


有关彩虹的句子英文怎么说 精选52句

1、Happiness sometimes very short, like a after the rain in the rainbow on the horizon in attendance; 幸福有时会很短暂,像一道雨后初晴出现在天边的彩虹;

2、The rose, imported from the Netherlands, uses a groundbreaking process where vibrant-colored plant extracts are injected into the stem, resulting in colorful petals. 七彩玫瑰”又称”彩虹玫瑰”,是在花茎部位注射不同颜色的鲜花染色剂,最终呈现出绚丽的彩色花瓣。

3、We must be over the rainbow! 我们一定在彩虹彼端!

4、The ultimate hope and target of Rainbow Kids Edu is that all kids, under the "rainbow", can grow and develop in a confident, all-round and happy way, and could lead a colorful life. “彩虹”的最大心愿和目标是:希望所有在“彩虹”下成长的孩子,都能自信、全面、快乐的成长、交流和发展,绽放七彩人生。

5、Then we flew around our house in a rainbow of laughter. 最后我们在屋子里飞来飞去,划出一道道笑声的彩虹。

6、One day he poured out his troubles to the starfish. “I really am beautiful. 有一天,彩虹鱼向海星诉苦说:“我这么漂亮,为什么谁也不喜欢我呢?”

7、Li He's life transient, but full of legendary flavour. 李贺一生是短促的,又是充满传奇色彩的。


9、Fairyland is home to seven colorful sisters. 仙界是彩虹仙子的家!

10、Children are the rainbow of life and grandchildren are the pot of gold. 孩子是生活中的彩虹,孙子孙女则是黄金。

11、About rainbow, there' s always fill with greenness and nicety . 关于彩虹的一切,总是充满清新和美好。



14、Rainbow purple, rainbow blue. 彩虹中有紫的、有蓝的。


16、突然想做一个温暖的人 就像彩虹下的飞鸟乘着微风去远方觅食 就像邮局里的信件寄托着浓浓的情谊 就像大海上的灯塔守候第一缕晨光出现

17、Sunlight and Rain is unlikely to weave the brilliant Rainbow. 阳光有雨露未必能盛开美丽彩虹。


19、The Rainbow Fish wavered. 彩虹鱼犹豫起来。

20、夏天的梦 是萤火的星光 白色的衬衫 湿透的球服 美丽的彩虹 夜晚的蝉鸣 不停息的知了 还有 甜甜的你的味道

21、Right after we were all seated inside the tent, a boy noticed this amazing rainbow appearing, circulating the sun! 才刚坐进帐篷,就听见仁波切的小侄子说彩虹出现了。圆圆一圈的彩虹,环绕在太阳周围!

22、我要画下彩虹的颜色,送你当作礼物。I want to paint the color of the rainbow and present you as a gift.


24、It sounds complicated, but really a supernumerary rainbow is one with smaller repeating rainbows inside it. 听起来似乎复杂,但真正的复式彩虹是在其一个彩虹内部还有一个较小的彩虹。


26、总有一天 你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人怦然而心动

27、In the end, we were able to see rainbows even on still images, including on a plain white screen during our measurement of light output. 其结果是即使是静止的图像下我们也能看到彩虹现象,包括我们测试亮度用的全白画面也看得到彩虹。


29、十几二十岁的女孩子肚子里装的应该是 蛋糕 彩虹糖 炸鸡 薯片还有奶茶 而不是心酸和委屈

30、Bright colours (or irisation) are sometimes seen along the edge of lenticular clouds... 你往往能在这类云朵的边缘看到明亮的色彩(或虹彩效果)。


32、The small angel hope a rainbow, rainbow of emergence of the sky inside the fairy maiden that stand a beauty. 小天使望着天空中出现一道彩虹,彩虹上站着一位美丽的仙女。

33、Women nare dyeing their eyebrows with shimmering, multi-coloured shades and posting selfies under the hashtag #rainbrows - but unlike the real thing, you won't find a pot of gold under these arches. 姑娘们正用微微发亮、色彩繁多的明暗色为眉毛染色,并把她们的自拍照分享出来,主题标签为“彩虹——但和真正的彩虹不同,你不会在这些弓形下方找到金子”。

34、Wind rifles her brightly colored blouse, long skirt, and multiple scarves. 风肆虐着她的色彩亮丽的短衬衫、长裙子和绕了一圈又一圈的丝巾。





39、Sometimes it's stormy and you get caught in a downpour, sometimes you dance in the sunlight and occasionally you get to see a big, bright, beautiful rainbow. 有时候风雨交加,而你正好被淋成落汤鸡,有时候你会在阳光下翩翩起舞,甚至偶尔你还会看见一条长长的明亮而又漂亮的彩虹。

40、Smiles are like rainbows. 微笑犹如彩虹。


42、A bright rainbow arched above.

43、Comfort, hurry up and buy food for work.Huang Caihong pushed Professor Huang strolling in the yard, Li Xinghua at the end of the teapot sitting in a chair, two people make up stuffy son. 黄彩虹推着黄教授在院子里溜达,李兴华在端着茶壶坐在椅子上,两人又逗起闷子。

44、The rainbow looks curved. These are some examples of light refraction. 彩虹看起来是弯曲的。这是一些光的折射的例子。

45、收藏了一百个关于夏天的文案 都不及这一刻的弯弯彩虹~

46、“你都在走回头路 怎么能看见前面有彩虹”

47、Rainbow Bridge Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. 彩 虹 桥 天堂的这边有一处彩虹桥。


49、A rainbow rose against the dark sky.

50、I want a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 我自己也希望在彩虹的末端出现一罐金子。


52、The beautiful colors of the rainbow can only be seen through the prism of rain. 只有透过雨水的反射, 才能看见彩色缤纷的美丽彩虹。

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