


带排比的英文句子赏析 精选33句


2、History is a painting, and time is a gorgeous color. History is a high mountain, and time is a jagged boulder. History is a big tree, and time is a lush branch. History is a long river, and time is surging waves. History is a moving ship and time is a net. Life is a river, and time is a oar.




6、the meaning of life is dedication

7、success and failure






13、下课了,操场上一下子热闹起来了,同学们有的拍皮球,有的跳绳,有的打篮球,玩得可开心啦! (在线造句 )

14、happiness is xxxgrind to dust scattered into the mud, only as incensexxx holy. Happiness is the xxxaspirations Hulu meat meal hunger, bloodlustxxx heroic. Happiness is the xxxfirst world worries and worries, after the world of music and joyxxx of the mind. Happiness is xxxAll men are mortal., according to retain loyaltyxxx integrity.

15、still life is the beauty of solidification, moving scenery is flowing beauty; straight line is flowing beauty; curve is the United States; the noisy city is bustling beauty; quiet village is elegant beauty. Life is full of beauty, as long as you have a pair of eyes to find beauty, there is a sense of beauty of the heart.



18、read the desert, read it and magnanimous mind; read the sun, read it shines selfless; read rain, read it tenderness softly; read the sea, read out the feelings of great momentum; read lime, read it smashed to pieces do not change color.


20、Give me a difficulty, let me know how to overcome; Give me a setback and let me be tempered; Give me a failure, let me learn to reflect; Give me a shame and let me learn to cheer up; I appreciate every experience that leads me to success.

21、if you forget the ice in the spring is gone, so is that the peach blossom is shining; if you forget the peach petals Fallen petals lie in profusion. summer, so that is the kind of red lotus; if you forget is autumn rain cover has no pull out of the lotus, so that is still frost branch plant. If you forget is thinner than the winter westerly Mutilator, so that is still independent, Ao Xuemei fragrance!





26、sun Speechless, radiate light, high Speechless, but it reflects the towering blue sky; Speechless, it shows a high earth; Speechless, but show extensive; flowers Speechless, but fragrant; youth Speechless, it exudes vitality

27、Only when we set out can we reach our ideal and destination; Only through hard work can we achieve brilliant success; Only sowing, there will be harvest; Only by pursuing, can we taste decent people.





32、You are not rain and dew, but bring the expectation of rebirth; You are not a spring, but you bring the sweetness of life; You are not the sun, but you bring the warmth of the world.


带排比的英文句子赏析 精选52句




4、the corner flower, when you are in self-admiration, heaven is small. Rana hole, when you yourself singing, will narrow the view.









13、beauty is wandering wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, beauty is nestled on the hills, some snow, beauty is echoed in the woods, some birds, beauty is jumping touch of the setting sun on the sea.


15、sea water is a dictionary: spray is radical, Taosheng is a sequencer, seagull is the text of the sea fish.

16、Love is a look in the eyes, giving students silent blessings; Love is a wisp of green wind, which gives students physical and mental comfort; Love is a spring rain, which moistens students' hearts; Love is a question to give students the warmth of spring.




20、Perseverance is the cohesion of sand and stone on a thousand mile levee. Only by accumulating little by little can we have the magnificence of not seeing the head before and not the tail after; Perseverance is that the spring silkworm spins silk and adheres to it one by one, so that it can break out of the cocoon and see the brilliance of light again; Perseverance is the sail of a sailing ship. With a sail, the ship can reach the other shore of success.

21、墙角的花,当你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了。 井底的蛙,当你自我欢唱时,视野便窄了。




25、Selfishness is a mirror in which you can only see yourself forever; Selfishness is a piece of cloth that covers one's own eyes and can't see the pain of others; Selfishness is a layer of glass. It looks clear, but it always separates each other.






31、Maternal love is a landscape painting, wash away the lead carving, leaving fresh and natural; Maternal love is like an affectionate song, melodious and melodious, singing softly; Maternal love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring.

32、Please keep a simple, so that you have more friendliness with people and less indifference and numbness of your heart; Please keep a simple, so that you have more happiness in life and less mental aging and fatigue; Please keep a simple, so that you have more strength to forge ahead and less pretentious insight into the world of mortals.

33、the language of nature and colorful:



36、ripe wheat bowed his head, it is teaching us humble; busy bees in the flowers, it is teaching our hard-working; charming in Yuhua open at night, it is publicized to teach us not to bloom; in a world of ice and snow in winter only, it is teaching us strong; gentle drops can wear the rock, it is teaching us tough. Chrysanthemum is a kind of quiet and clear; xxxsaunters alongxxx is a joy of smart; xxxMing Yuesong Chaoxxx is a kind of happy clear; xxxat the invitation of the moonxxx is a lonely chic; xxxout laughingxxx is a kind of self-confidence clear; xxxmy self the sword sky smilexxx is a kind of fearless smart; xxxleft Holland to listen to the rainxxx is a kind of tolerance clear; xxxevery day to see Changan flowerxxx is a good natural and unrestrained; xxxZuiwo battlefield Jun Mo laughxxx is a bold and unrestrained.


38、After experiencing failures and setbacks, I learned tenacity; When I was misunderstood and wronged, I learned tolerance; After experiencing loss and parting, I know how to cherish.


40、Mother is a zither in trouble. When you are depressed, the elegant melody floats in the place, and the remains are green immediately in front of you; Mother is a breeze in frustration. When you shiver, your intimate care and warmth accompany you to sleep safely; Mother is Fang Mo in fatigue. When you are weak, just a few mouthfuls will make your aunt refreshing.


42、The spring rain, delicate and gentle, puts beautiful clothes on the mountains; Summer thunder, fast and fierce, sounded a warm war drum for life; The autumn wind, cool and pleasant, sends warm greetings to the fallen leaves; The winter snow, kind and warm, brings affectionate care to the crops.




46、From the falling of autumn leaves, we read the change of seasons; From the ranks of returning geese, I read the strength of the masses; From the melting of ice and snow, we read the footsteps of spring; From the dripping water through the stone, we read the value of persistence; From the fragrance of honey, we read the sweetness of diligence.

47、Ordinary is a wasteland, pregnant with the rise, as long as you are willing to open up; Ordinary is soil, pregnant with harvest, as long as you are willing to work; Ordinary is a stream, pregnant with depth, as long as you are willing to accumulate.

48、Beauty is a few wisps of white clouds wandering in the blue sky, a few residual snow nestled on the hills, a few bird songs swirling in the dense forest, and a touch of setting sun beating on the sea.

49、Life is like wine, or fragrant, or strong, because of honesty, it becomes mellow; Life is like a song, high or low. Because of keeping promise, it becomes pleasant; Life is picturesque, bright and beautiful, or simple and elegant. Because of integrity, it becomes beautiful.


51、A wise man learns like an eagle in the sky, looking up at the endless earth; A fool who studies aimlessly is like a headless moth flying and bumping around; Hard working people study like a winding river. Although it has twists and turns, it will eventually flow into the sea; Lazy people learn, like wood in the water. The greater the resistance, the faster the regression.


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