


简短亲子英文句子 精选60句

1、Don’t be picky about your food.

2、Let’s get out.

3、Are you done with your homework ?

4、Good morning !

5、Let me comb your hair.

6、Push button one.

7、Don’t bother your sister.

8、Let’s get dressed.

9、Time to wake up !

10、Put your toys away.

11、What do you want to wear today ?

12、Give me a kiss !

13、Did you put some lotion on your face ?

14、Are you sick ?

15、Do you have any homework ?


17、Do you want me to hold you ?


19、Don’t hit your brother/sister.

20、Are you hungry ?

21、I’m sorry, Let’s make up.

22、Turn off the TV now.

23、Here’s the elevator. Let’s get in.

24、It’s time to go to bed.


26、Do you want a piggy-back ride ?

27、Recess is over !

28、Watch out for cars.


30、Good job !

31、Don’t talk back !

32、Don’t forget that I love you.

33、Let me read you a story.

34、Play nicely with your friends.

35、Don’t fight with your little brother/sister.

36、Did you do well on your test ?

37、Stop whining.

38、Hurry up , Honey ! You’ll be late.

39、但这个希望对你来说太过勉强。(再说白一点,就是你的希望,实现几率非常渺茫。Too strong for you 对你来说太过激烈=承受不住)

40、but this hope is too strong for you.

41、Wash your face and brush your teeth.

42、It’s time to study.

43、show you the lion himself.亲自让你看看狮子。

44、Do you want to pee/poop ?

45、Jackdaw 寒鸦;一种鸟类的名字。

46、Sit properly.

47、Come and eat your breakfast.

48、Let’s have a snack.

49、Move back from the TV.

50、How was school today ?

51、Did you sleep well ?

52、Good night ! Sweet dreams !

53、What score did you get on the test ?

54、Do you want some more ?

55、It has not been decided who look after him.

56、When a fox sees him sitting so long and learns the reason of his doing so

57、Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye.

58、Have a nice day.

59、Go wash your hands.

60、Who made such a mess ?

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