


afew造个句子 精选72句

1、a few的意思是“少数的…,几个…,一些…”。表示“虽然少,但还有”,强调“有”,表示肯定之意,两者之间的差别主要是主观上的,而不是实际数字上的差别。

2、A hurricane can amplify a wave to a few storeys.

3、in a word [ short, a few words ]

4、a few cushions formed a makeshift bed.(临时用几个垫子拼了一张床。)


6、I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours.我相信我能自娱自乐几个小时。

7、He dipped into medicine a few years ago他在几年前曾涉猎过一阵医学。

8、Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.(历史学家迈克尔·贝斯切罗斯揭露了一些神话的真相。)

9、I've roughed out a few ideas.(我已有几个初步设想。)

10、Only a few,@ I sighed.

11、Throwing together a few books and possessions, he ran out of the house.他匆忙收拾一些书和钱物,跑出房屋。

12、So far a few hundred people and a few broken Windows isn't all that newsworthy.

13、You need a few minutes for cortisone to take.你得等几分钟让可的松奏效。

14、He reckoned that we were only a few miles from our destination.他估计我们到达目的地只有几英里了。

15、Write down a few sentences, or take a few example sentences from a book or exercise.

16、I've had a few sleepless nights recently.(最近我有好几个晚上没睡觉。)

17、I'm going away for a few days.(我要离开几天。)

18、Look up a few words .

19、My nephew found a few dew drops on the Jewish jeweler 's jewel.侄儿发现犹太珠宝商的珠宝上有几滴露珠。

20、It's only a few steps further.(再走几步就到了。)

21、Our suggestions take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

22、She walked on a few steps.(她继续走了几步。)

23、read a few pages of a book

24、It took only a few seconds.(那只需要几秒钟。)

25、She made a copy of that and gave me a few agreements to sign.她复印了我的保险卡后,让我签了几张协议。

26、I made a few phone calls.(我打了几个电话。)

27、Can you sum it up in a few words你可以用几句话来总结一下吗

28、I've had a few(ie a few glasses of beer,whisky,etc)already,actually.

29、The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo这艘货船除了货物之外还载有一些乘客。

30、Just a few bribes.

31、He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers他能用厨房里几样剩饭做出一顿美餐。

32、Fixed a few other misc bugs.

33、everyone has a few little idiosyncrasies.(人人都有几个小癖好。)

34、A few friendships, a few dawns, a few glimpses of grass.

35、A pedestrian crossing usually requires a few extra minutes and a few green lights.

36、A few flies bite a few mouth, must not hold a heroic horse gallop.


38、Win a few, lose a few. That's life。

39、These websites often are forged or a few shammer national level research center.这些网站往往伪造或假冒一些国家级研究中心。

40、We drove on for a few miles.(我们继续开了几英里。)

41、Here's a few of my favorites.

42、Can't you stay a few more days?(你不能多住几天吗?)


44、a few latecomers were still arriving.(几个迟到者还在陆续抵达。)

45、Here are a few suggestions.


47、They've gone away for a few days.(他们已外出几天了。)

48、I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.(我怡然自得地轻松了几个小时。)


50、A state governed by a few persons.

51、All that fuss over a few pounds!(为几英镑就那么大惊小怪的!)

52、He made a few mistakes in his exercise他的练习中有一些错误。

53、A moth, a few people can do.

54、We've had a few replies.(我们已得到了一些答复。)

55、I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.

56、He has a few friends in this city他在这个城市里有几个朋友。

57、I've mentioned JSON a few times already.

58、A few months or a few years ago?

59、It provided some juicy gossip for a few days.这提供了些绘声绘色的、够聊几天的谈资。

60、Never more so than a few years ago, when my father died.过去的一些年决不会发生,当我父亲过世。

61、He invited a few children.

62、There are still a few residual problems with the computer program.电脑程序还有一些残留问题。

63、She shelled and ate a few nuts.(她剥了一些坚果吃。)

64、a little; a few; a Bit of

65、Training your dog in housebreaking is fairly simple if you follow a few steps.训练你的狗,入室盗窃,是相当简单,如果你走几步。

66、I plan to get a few lessons in.(我计划挤出时间上几节课。)

67、Not that a number of observers haven't been on to them for a few years now, including yours truly.包括我在内,在过去几年中,已经有人注意到这个问题了。

68、Within a few minutes, quite a few people were crippled.

69、a few scattered settlements

70、Round up a few friends to help you召集一些朋友来帮你忙。

71、A few years ago, I came across a prayer written by the late General Douglas MacArthur.数年前,我读到已故xxx将军的一个祷文。

72、We idled away a few hours by talking.我们闲聊浪费了几个小时。

afew造个句子 精选26句

1、Without a few taboos, without a few regulations, how can we carry on?


3、I felt a few spots of rain.(我感觉掉雨点了。)

4、Could I begin with a few formalities?(我可以从一些例行程序开始吗?)

5、a few tourists were buzzing around.(几名游客在匆忙地跑来跑去。)

6、Matches cost only a few pence.(火柴只需几便士。)

7、The old man managed to wheeze out a few words.老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。

8、I've been there quite a few times.(我去过那里好多次了。)

9、I've simply extracted a few figures.(我只是摘取了一些数据。)

10、Interestingly enough, a few weeks later, Benjamin remarried.有趣的是,几周后本杰明再婚了。

11、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

12、We kicked a few ideas around.(我们随便谈了几个想法。)

13、America's old barns suited an old model of farming.

14、The lecturer told a few jokes and anecdotes to add colour to his talk.演讲者穿插着说了几个笑话和几则轶事, 为其演讲增色。

15、I'll be back in a few minutes.(我一会儿就回来。)

16、a few和few的区别:

17、He spent a few days in retreat.

18、a few cars passed close by me.(几辆车从我近旁驶过。)


20、Though the exhibition has been arranged chronologically, there are a few exceptions.虽然展览的时间便已经安排好了,但是也有少数的例外。

21、The band were pretty lacklustre. I think they could do with a few more rehearsals.乐队真是太失水准了。我觉得他们需要多排练几次。

22、I'm following up a few things that might dovetail.我在跟进几个互相可能会衔接起来的事情。

23、This process is worth examining because up until a few years ago it would have been untenable.这一过程是值得研究的,因为直到几年以前这一过程还不是很过硬。

24、The letter came a few days ago.(这封信是几天前寄来的。)

25、Think of Zellweger, Banderas or Zeta-Jones, to take a few at random.像齐薇格,班德拉还有泽塔-琼斯,可都不是随便取的。

26、These farms vary in size from a few score to several thousand mu.这些农场由几十亩到几千亩大小不等。

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