


描写夏天英语的句子 精选35句



3、The clods of earth by the sun is very hot, a few black brown belly cricket, on the spring like jumping.

4、Today is another hot day. I saw a clear sky, floating with a few pale white clouds. At noon, people could not stand the heat. They were sweating and panting, so they had to go to the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool. The flowers and trees in the garden all look listless under the scorching sun. Only cicadas kept shouting from the branches, as if they were shouting, xxxhot, hot!xxx

5、Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.

6、Summer is full of vitality. In this dynamic season, plants enjoy the moisture of sufficient rain and the bright sunshine. They grow freely and gradually mature. At this time, all kinds of insects and small animals show their vitality. Look at the green banyan trees, the morning glory like a trumpet and the glowing fireflies. They all confirm the vitality of summer.



9、Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools.




13、This fine and beautiful night is a good time to watch the constellations? At the request of my little cousin and I, my mother took us to Seoul park. Under the gentle breeze, the flowers gathered their petals and fell asleep. The crickets under the flowers are holding a concert and singing loudly.

14、In midsummer, the sun almost goes around wantonly every day, waving its copper shield across the sky full of yellow smoke. Depicting midsummer is inseparable from depicting the sun in midsummer, and from depicting the species brought by the heat of the sun to nature and mankind Three consequences.


16、On a summer night, a few fireflies come and go, as if they were enjoying the tranquility of the summer night. People get together and talk and laugh. Under the quiet night sky, there was a long cry of a dog. Everything is so beautiful; Everything is so quiet; Everything is so mysterious.



19、The rain in summer is like a naughty child. He can come whenever he wants and go whenever he wants. The sunset glow blushes, and the rainbow builds a bridge between heaven and earth.


21、The blazing fire was so high in the air that the fish in the river dared not come out of the water, and the birds did not dare to fly out of the mountains. Even the dogs in the village just stretched their tongues and breathed endlessly.

22、It was terribly hot, not a breath of wind thick air like froze.


24、In July, blue sky, the Sun, the clouds like a fireball seems Sun Shaohua, also disappear.

25、Summer is a passionate gypsy girl, who is not worried about her embarrassment and half covering her face with a pipa, and whether she can completely express her emotions.




29、In the summer of this year, the weather was very hot. Although Xiling township was a mountain township, it was too hot during the day. You took off all your clothes and wore only a pair of shorts, and your sweat was still flowing. In the evening, when the sun sets, the wind blows over the Beigan mountain. It is chilly, with the smell of absinthe and pine resin.

30、Summer is a colorful world. In this season, it is the most joyful. Perhaps, although very boring; Perhaps, it is unbearably hot; Perhaps the plants are too lazy. But that makes summer colorful.

31、A cool breeze with the fragrance of the soil blew by. Looking from a distance, it was like a raging wave in the green sea. The wheat seedlings were as green as a huge emerald placed in the fields.


33、In a hot weather, the sun hangs high in the sky, like a big fireball. It was hot and dazzling. All creatures seemed to be in a steamer. It was oppressive. The tree heads under the flowers, the grass lies on the ground, and the dog lies under the eaves with his tongue outstretched and panting.


35、It was as hot as baking in the fire. Cicadas on the trees kept crying. The asphalt road was baked soft by the sun.

描写夏天英语的句子 精选99句

1、There are often thunderstorms in summer. After a thunderstorm, a rainbow hangs in the sky. It is very beautiful. On summer nights, cicadas are crying xxxcicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada cicada CICA. The frog is croaking. The lotus flowers in the pool opened, and the lotus leaves were round, like a big plate.

2、In summer, the trees in the park grow more luxuriant, and the big trees are like umbrellas. It brings cool to people. In the summer evening, some people come to the park to enjoy the cool, and some climb Lushan.

3、Summer is a season of rapid development. Everything is growing wantonly, especially the green in that summer, which is thick and deep, dominating the mountains and fields. Although it is against the flowers, it is actually green, fat, red and thin. Bamboo shoots spring up overnight. The bamboo grows rapidly, and the joints swell loudly. The grass is luxuriant on the ground, and the towering trees in the forest add another ring.




7、The cool wind in summer is cool and pleasant. It is brushed by the smoke wind, and it is cool to relieve summer heat. It is like a gentle mother who brings us a piece of coolness. At this time, summer dances in the warm wind with green leaves. The wind brings warmth to our faces, as if to tell people that summer has come. People also enjoy this coolness

8、The scorching sun hangs high in the sky of the world. The red light shot to the ground like a rocket, and the ground caught fire, reflecting the flames boiling like oil. Transpiration, suffocation, ferocity and strangeness almost make peoples cells and fibers burst from trembling.

9、Hometown of summer, quiet, green, beautiful, colorful.


11、Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.



14、Let winter wake up, let spring be brilliant, let summer be colorful, let autumn be brilliant, and let life be colorful. Only with the moisture between heaven and earth can we have vigorous vitality. Because of the mutual love, spring blossoms and autumn fruits come into being.

15、The night in summer is always full of charming colors, a little deep but romantic. Under the reflection of the sunset glow, the clouds in the sky are colorful and bright with their own beauty. The full moon hung like a silver mirror and poured the water like brightness. In the chirping of frogs and insects, the stars blinked mischievously and enjoyed the whirling shadow of trees. At this time, the cool wind gently diffuses the troubles and worries in the day.







22、As soon as summer comes, the green mountains are the same day by day. After the scorching sun and the sudden rain, the plants and trees grow up quickly and become green and black. At this time, the mountains were covered with green gauze, and the wolves, lynx and wild rabbits... Were as active as fish in the ocean.

23、One summer night, the stars in the sky shining, the breeze dispelled the daytime heat, the earth was quiet.

24、The wheat in the fields, unknowingly, turned from blue to yellow, which changed the face of the fields. The wind is blowing with a slight warmth, and it sends cuckoo calls from time to time. This tells us that xxxspring has gonexxx but the season of early summer and April.


26、However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.

27、The scenery along the road is not bad. The Midsummer in the south of the Yangtze River used to be a paradise in the sky. There was no wasteland along the way. There were green rice, green trees and green mulberry forests. Occasionally, some ponds have thick lotus leaves and small rhombic leaves floating on the water.



30、In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.


32、Summer runs very fast. It always comes at night. It crosses fields and streams, making the earth different. It went to the childrens bedside to see the sleeping children, hoping to give them a surprise tomorrow. People dont know when it will come, it will go away in a hurry, and autumn is coming again. Sometimes people whisper xxxIm coming!xxx Then he ran away. Summer is naughty.

33、The bitter and hot air seemed to stagnate; His hot face waited for the wind sadly, but the wind did not come. The sun shone hot in the dark blue sky; On the bank opposite us was a yellow oat field. In some places, wormwood grew, and even one ear of wheat did not waver.



36、In summer, the clear river has become a good place for children to spend the summer. You see, they are playing in the water, having water fights and catching fish at once. They have a very good time.

37、The feeling of summer is always sunny and mysterious. In this beautiful nature, the summer night really makes me marvel. I believe that in this ever-changing four seasons, summer is not the only one with this unique charm. In nature, there must be many interesting things waiting for us to uncover its mystery.


39、It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.




43、I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it’s not very hot.


45、In july, blue sky, the sun, the clouds like a fireball seems sun shaohua, also disappear.

46、The earth was scorched by the fireball like sun, the trees were scorched with drooping heads, the dogs were lying in the shade of the trees with red tongues, and the cicadas were screaming desperately on the trees.


48、The scenery in summer. I was also very excited on the bus. I kept looking at the scenery outside the window. Summer is coming. Its hot outside. The sun is so strong that people cant open their eyes.

49、Summer is lively, which stimulates childrens desire for sports. The children came to the open space and played all kinds of unexpected games; They came to the pool and couldnt wait; Stay in the embrace of blue waves, feel cool and enjoy yourself. The arrival of summer also makes insect songs flourish. They sing day and night, singing one after another, praising the beauty of summer.

50、The clear sky in summer is brilliant, the sky is so blue, the sun is so strong, and the sky and the earth are in a dazzling light. In a year, the sun is the most industrious in the summer. He gets up early in the morning. At five or six oclock in the morning, the morning is light. At six or seven oclock in the evening, the moon will crowd it out. But the industrious sun still lingers and does not xxxget off workxxx for a long time.

51、Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground between India and full size coin sparkling spot.

52、One summer night, the stars twinkled in the sky, and bursts of cool wind dispelled the waste heat of the day. The earth was silent.

53、In July, the blue sky was hung with a fireball like sun. The clouds seemed to be burned by the sun and disappeared without a trace.



56、The cicada on the tree is like a soprano, singing one song after another with a clear voice. It is not a days work to detour the beam for three days. The bees among the flowers are industrious in collecting honey, singing songs of the countryside, and are very busy. The birds on the branches, unwilling to be outdone, were singing cheerful songs at the top of their voices.


58、From the hot spring up the mountain, you can see green peaks, brown cliffs and so on, and the most striking thing is the tall maple trees. Along the way, I saw numerous red maples standing between the cliffs, with luxuriant branches and leaves, as if covered with red clouds. Some of the maples scattered in the evergreen forest are tall and straight, like flags flying; Some are slim and beautiful, like flowers blossoming, becoming more and more colorful and charming. There is a row of cypress trees in the north of the school playground, like guards in front of the office door. Its trunk is straight, pointing to the blue sky, and its branches are straight, and close together, all upward. The leaves are short, round, sharp and hard, like short needles. Cypress has not only a strong posture, but also an indomitable quality. Whether it is a hot summer or a snowy winter, it is always lush and tall. It is a hard bone in the tree.

59、The summer is hot, and the birds are hiding somewhere; The plants and trees hung their heads; The dog was so hot that it stuck out its tongue and kept panting.




63、The footsteps of the summer God are light and lively, and all things are booming with it. Listen, the birds chirp softly, the sweet and clear sound waves are rippling in the joyful air with the fragrance of the soil. The flowers held the warmest annual beauty pageant, and bees and butterflies were the best visitors.

64、I love smimming in summer. so i always go swimming with my parents in the sea. sometimes, i like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it’s not very hot.

65、Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.

66、In midsummer, the sun almost goes around wantonly every day, waving its copper shield across the sky full of yellow smoke. Depicting midsummer is inseparable from depicting the sun in midsummer and the consequences of the suns heat on nature and mankind.


68、In the quiet summer rain, the summer insects have been silent since then, with less cicadas singing, less bees secret words and more frogs singing.

69、The midsummer weather, the fiery sun, swept away the crystal dew in the morning, and ruled the universe until after dusk. What a heavy and boring time!

70、Summer morning is cool. The birds sing a clear song on the branches. That song really makes you relaxed and happy. Morning glory blooms so brightly that you cant help picking one and wearing it on your head.

71、The sun at noon in summer is like a flame burning in the sky. At this time, the sun seemed to feel very hot. He hurried to the clouds and asked sister Yun to wipe her sweat.


73、Early in the morning, cicada shouted loudly to tell people that another hot day had begun.


75、Summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.

76、Summer is a burning season. In the hot sun of the nuclear fusion fireball, the dog sticks out its tongue, the cicada chirps impatiently, the asphalt road is soft, and the fish surface to breathe.

77、In summer, the stream flows gurgling. The stream is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom of the river. The clear stream, with a pure heart, came from a distant place, and no one disturbed her. She flows quietly, daydreaming... Touching every stone, it is with great joy and speculation

78、In summer, the campus is lush with trees. There are Wutong trees covered with branches and leaves, poplar trees and elm trees. In the middle of the playground, there are two poplar and Sophora trees with dense branches and leaves, just like two large green umbrellas, which can block the wind and rain and the sun.


80、In the evening, the sunset glow made the sky red. My little friend and I met in our yard. We all looked at the red sky. The sky was so beautiful that it was cool after gusts of wind.



83、On a summer night, I came to the field, where a wonderful poetry party was being held. Crickets, crickets, frogs and cicadas were singing heartily, and birds, fireflies and rice ears were reciting attentively. It was wonderful!

84、Summer breeze, with Chinese date and the rose flower fragrance, floating into the simple and comfortable living room.



87、This summer, it was so hot that people walked on the street, just like entering the steam bathroom.

88、Having passed the beautiful spring, we have ushered in the vigorous summer, which is so colorful, brilliant and warm. This summer is very beautiful. It carries the vitality of spring, contains the maturity of autumn, and shows the spirit of summer.

89、However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.

90、Midsummer, on the other hand, is the most difficult day of the year, leaving people at a loss. The sunshine in midsummer is almost xxxpoisonousxxx. It seems that it intends to antagonize and retaliate against human beings. People are so angry that they curse it, and even want to learn from Hou Yi to shoot out this xxxpoisonous dayxxx.


92、Summer is students’ the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer.

93、In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.

94、Just when the sky was still clear, dark clouds rolled all of a sudden. I saw a flash of lightning passing through the sky. It was thundering. The sound was piercing.

95、Looking at a large area of cherry blossoms with bright colors, I really doubt that it was the nine heavenly fairies who scattered the torn colored satin to the world.

96、It was terribly hot, not a breath of wind, like the thick air froze.



99、After the rain, a rainbow appears in the blue sky. There are seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, which overlap layer by layer and reflect each other. It is like a golden bridge, lying across the sky, magnificent and dazzling.

描写夏天英语的句子 精选82句

1、It was a long dry summer. The hot sun made the old loaches in the fields turn white. The brook near the village was several inches lower, and the stones exposed on the water became larger steeply.


3、In the scorching summer, the birds do not know where to hide; The plants and trees hung their heads; The dog was so hot that it stuck out its tongue and kept panting.

4、The summer sun is like a big stove, which makes the earth hot. Even the air is hot. People sweat when they move. The Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, and its whole body is buried in the water. Only one head is exposed to breathe on the water.


6、Walking on the road, the wind coming like a heat wave attacks.

7、Walking on the road, the wind ing like a heat wave attacks.


9、The brave seagull, the clever reindeer, and the kind spider Charlotte make those originally pale and monotonous dreams as beautiful as delicate butterfly specimens. When I wake up, I often see the sun through the screen window, the dust in the air is flying, and the petals are dipped in the sun, just like a lonely orchid in an empty valley.


11、In midsummer, the leaves of the acacia tree begin to become luxuriant, much denser and greener than in spring. In the month, many small pink Edelweiss bloom on the big acacia tree, just like small pink Edelweiss dotted in the green leaves, making the big acacia tree look beautiful and young. A gust of breeze blew, and the small pink fluffy flowers flew down from the trees like small parachutes.


13、Summer is an unpredictable season, with sunny skies and dark clouds. It will rain cats and dogs as soon as the thunder rings. Sometimes there will be a beautiful rainbow hanging in the sky after the rain, just like a seven color bridge.

14、It seems that shagangzi is about to catch fire. On the sand slope, the young shepherd climbed up lonely. He climbed for a while, sat up to catch his breath, and continued to climb. With his bare feet treading on the hot sand, he climbed to the top of the sand hill. The sand he pushed over was like a stream of river water, making a low sound of xxxscatteringxxx and flowing to the foot of the hill.






20、In autumn of the south wind came new wheat aroma and wormwood breath.

21、In summer, there is also a green, strong and tenacity that gives people a sense of security. The spring when the virus is most prone to spread is followed by the summer when it is full of vitality. Perhaps only after experiencing the birth and death in the spring, can we understand how happy it is to be able to usher in a summer! Although death exists forever as a part of sound, it is not as easy to accept as we think. So, I really like summer.


23、I dont know why, I have always liked the song xxxmidsummer nights dreamxxx. In addition to the fluttering notes that deeply attracted me, the title of the song, in particular, gave me a dreamy and dreamlike feeling, special and familiar... So far away.

24、Summer is beautiful. The peoples soldiers are fighting in the front line of flood fighting, guarding the levee and protecting the safety of peoples property. In summer, the sun is scorching and the ground temperature is above. As soon as I went out, the heat wave rolled and the road was like the equator. The traffic police stood upright in the hot sun and maintained the traffic meticulously. Their every action is so natural and unrestrained and standardized. Under the correct command of the traffic police, the road is in good order, and there is no traffic accident. How sacred is the traffic police like a monument! I am awed. Although their figures are very small on the road, they are the tallest people in my heart. City builders are sweating hard to build a better home and stepping up construction. Under the scorching sun, they are paving roads, building bridges, and building tall buildings... When the steel bar reaches the degree, the hands will blister. Their skin was bronzed. The stronger the sun, the happier they worked. Cleaners, postmen... They work in the scorching sun without complaint and regret for our better life. They are the most beautiful scenery in summer.

25、At the dawn of early summer, the sky is like a naughty child smeared with colorful paint. Here is a piece of red, and there is a piece of yellow. Most of them are warm colors, but there is no deep color. Compared with the burning clouds at dusk, it is more gorgeous and beautiful.

26、It was muggy and windless. The wicker hung listlessly and motionless. The cement road was sunburned with a little silver light, as if everything was about to melt. This was just some place. The summer in Jiangnan is not only like this. Just like in this ancient city, the weather is like March or April. It is neither hot nor cold. It is just right. The sight is full of scenery. Looking at the green mountains and waters, my heart will calm down in an instant and melt into this heaven and earth.

27、The lush spring of all things has passed, with a flick of the fingers. The sun shines directly on the Tropic of cancer, and the hot summer season is coming again.


29、I love summer very much. In summer, it’s hot, and sometimes it’s rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.









38、The red flowers of Chinese rose are in full bloom on the branches. The color is so thick, so pure, without any mottled color. It is like a burning flame.

39、I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if its not very hot.

40、Everything is at a standstill. Once in a while, a deer roars and a tiger roars, and the world here temporarily stops its progress. It broke the deep silence, and the long ending lingered, containing the fear of death and the hardships of life.

41、Dark clouds are all over the sky. There is no light between the heaven and the earth. Lightning crosses. The thunder is deafening. It seems that thousands of troops have been crushed by it. It also seems that the flood roars and surges like the collapse of the heaven and the earth. After everything, the sun shines, and everything is lush and more flexible. At this time, I understand that the summer in Jiangnan is not only cool and pleasant among green mountains and willows, but also exciting storms. It is really colorful.

42、I love summer very much. in summer, it’s hot, and sometimes it’s rainy. people wear t-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. girls love to wear dresses and skirts.







49、The taste of summer, how many people have caught the eternal, hot air, slight coolness between their fingers at this shining moment. Their thoughts are like splashing ink, playing up layers of exaggeration. Today, they look at the other side across the time. The youth in the summer on the other side is maturing day by day. Your smiling face, I sing euphemisms, blooming like summer flowers. The catchwords in the air, a touch of pure water like tenderness, interpret the most beautiful commemoration of July.

50、summer is students’ the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer.




54、The shade of green trees is thick in summer, and the reflection of the building falls into the pond. The crystal curtain moves with the breeze, and the roses are full of fragrance.

55、The cicada has six legs, two bright eyes, a yellow and hard shell. When they fly, they show their white skin and thin wings, and then fly to the sky.


57、Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground between india and full size coin sparkling spot.

58、In early summer, the fields in the northern countryside are active and beautiful. White clouds are floating slowly in the sky, and farmers in twos and threes are working hard on the vast land. The tender willows drooped on the quiet river. The urchin by the river destroyed the quiet of the river: xxxlook! Look! Loach! This little toad!xxx The cries and laughter were scattered in the morning when the flowers were in full bloom, which made people deeply feel the joy of summer.



61、Summer is unrestrained. It is free and easy, it is forthright, and it never beat around the bush. You can see the sun covering the earth, the pouring rain and the earth shaking thunder in summer.




65、Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.


67、On June 15, the day was madly hot. As soon as the sun came out, the ground seemed to be on fire, and some gray air that looked like clouds but not clouds and fog but not fog floated low in the air, making people feel suffocated.


69、Summer is a season of changing face. It sometimes cries and sometimes laughs. For a while, the sky was clear and blue, the sky was high and the clouds were light, and the sun was scorching; For a while, the sky was low and dark, dark clouds covered, and the wind roared; For a while, the God was furious and thundered; It rained cats and dogs for a while,; After a while, the rain stopped, and the Hongqiao bridge flew north and south. Summer is like a childs face, changing without warning.



72、Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body's green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.

73、In the summer dusk, the light rain drizzles everywhere, with fresh and lively melody and romantic rhyme, bringing people to the artistic conception of reverie. Soon, the light rain turned into heavy rain. Soon, dark clouds covered the sky and thunder rolled. Then, the heavy rain poured down. It really had a lasting appeal!


75、In the midsummer of July, there was no cloud in the tile blue sky. The hot sun scorched the earth. The water in the river was hot and the soil in the ground was smoking.



78、In summer, there is no recovery of all things in spring, and there are no fruits in autumn. The only thing is the hot enthusiasm. Only in summer can people enjoy swimming on the beach without worrying about the cold; Only in summer can people sweat heartily and do not dare to take a bath because of the cold; Only in summer can people show their enthusiasm without the excuse of cold.


80、The afternoon sun was so strong that even the water in the rice field was steamed to make a faint sound. The leaves of the seedlings can be rolled up in the sun, losing their green luster, and there is no wind. When walking on the ridges with seedlings on both sides, people are sweating all over, and it is not easy to breathe. Therefore, no one wants to come out.


82、The sap of early summer is flowing invisibly around us, in weeds and herbs, in low shrubs and tall trees. Sap passes through tens of thousands of miles of tiny channels that surround leaves and stems. In our imagination, we try to imagine how vast a great lake and how surging a river will be created by all this.

描写夏天英语的句子 精选83句

1、The hot summer is coming, and the fireball like sun hangs high in the sky. There was no cloud or wind in the blue sky. The whole sky was dead. I stood on the balcony and looked out.


3、Chinese rose can beautify the environment. It is not afraid of wind, rain, sun and insect bites. As long as there is soil and water, it can survive and change the environment for us.


5、In the scorching sun and scorching summer, my heart became anxious with the rise of temperature.

6、When summer comes, people are basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze on the beach in Hainan; The students are running in the sun, looking for the happiness of summer. It is really a beautiful picture.

7、It is very hot in summer. Most people are eating ice cream. The taste of ice cream is very sweet and cool. It often rains this summer. When it rains, people are wearing colorful umbrellas. They are very beautiful. Rain is an industrious little girl. She has washed the leaves green, the flowers red and the streets bright. The whole world seems to have become a big crystal palace.

8、The setting sun is shining over the spun yarn, and bursts of gentle wind come to you with the fragrance of flowers, giving you a pleasant evening wind in early summer, with the fragrance of jujube and rose flowers, floating into this simple and comfortable living room.


10、In summer, many small white hairs float out of willow trees. They are willow catkins. Willow catkins contain willow seed babies and spread them in all directions.




14、In hot summer, the leaves of the tree are so dense that no trace of sunlight can leak in. It is like an open umbrella, which sheds the shade on the ground for people to rest.


16、In summer, it is the time for the yellow horn branches to flourish. On a sunny day, it is like a big umbrella to shade us. We play under the tree and have a good time!

17、It hasnt rained a drop in the past two weeks; A milky mist filled the air and shrouded the trees in the distance; From there, it emits a burning smell. Many dark, hazy clouds, leisurely floating in the blue sky, slowly climbed past; The strong dry wind blows constantly, but it cant drive away the summer heat.


19、I love summer very much. In summer, its hot, and sometimes its rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. Girls love to wear dresses and skirts.

20、In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers bloom, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet; Swarms of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking on the stamens and diligently flying around.


22、The willows by the river and lake are indeed the pride of nature. When the wind was calm, the willow looked like a docile girl with long hair, throwing her head full of green silk on the water. As soon as the wind blows, the willow branches gently brush the water surface. The river (Lake and surface) is as calm as a mirror. It is like a highly skilled speed skater sliding on the ice, leaving a shallow white bar behind. Soon, the water surface is as calm as before.

23、In summer, the drizzle, highland barley seedling xxxto drink the rain, the grass be riotous with colour of flowers blooming.


25、Summer is a season before harvest. It is a time full of vitality and vigor. Corn and wheat, yellow and bright, make people feel warm. Yellow is a warm color. She is not as fragile as the green in spring, without the deep yellow sadness in autumn, nor as fragile as the white in winter. The yellow color in summer is a kind of pure warmth, which makes people feel at ease.

26、The scorching sun is like fire, and the earth is like a steamer. Its so hot that people cant breathe.

27、The golden sun was lazily shining on a small courtyard on the edge of the city. Like every weekend afternoon, I sat on my grandfathers bamboo and rattan rocking chair and bathed in the sun quietly.


29、The climate has stripped us of our shirts and trousers. We only wear sweat vests and shorts. We can stretch our arms and kick our legs, run and chase, not to mention how easy it is. During the day, you can go fishing, touch crabs, and stick to cicadas. If you want to swim, you can jump into the river at any time, splash water on the river, have water fights, open your eyes, fight hard, and play hide and seek... Oh, the cool water can make you forget everything in the world.


31、Look, animals and plants are listless. The dog lay motionless where the sun had not yet shone, sticking out its tongue and wheezing. The tree drooped its head in dismay, its branches drooped lazily, and its leaves curled up dry. Cicadas kept singing in the tree, as if they were shouting: xxxIm dying of heat, Im dying of heat...xxx even the lively and lovely birds fell listlessly on the tree trunk, too lazy to fly to look for food in the heat. A little duck couldnt stand the heat. He walked into his own xxxswimming poolxxx, just put his leg in it, and immediately returned to the shore. Guess why? The original strong sunlight made the water very hot. It thought: Mom, Im so hot. If it goes on like this, I will become a roast duck!

32、It was a summer afternoon. the clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.


34、The willows in the street seemed to be sick. The leaves were hanging with dust on the branches, and the branches did not move. The street was white, and the small vendors did not dare to shout. The plexiglass signboard at the door of the store seemed to have been suntanned.

35、The sun was burning in the sky, and on both sides of the road, the mature grains were bending down and lowering their heads in the heat. Grasshoppers are as numerous as leaves of grass. In the wheat and rye fields, in the reeds on the bank, they make a faint and noisy sound.



38、summer is students the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer.


40、In summer, the clear river has become a good place for the children to spend the summer. You see, they are playing in the water, having a water fight and catching fish.


42、Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a bodys green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.


44、On the morning of summer, the grass is green, the flowers are smiling, and the tall trees are lush and vibrant. Groups of beautiful birds are dancing and chirping in the branches of green trees. The air is fresh and cool, and it also emits a charming fragrance.

45、The sun passes through every corner of the world and finally stays in my eyes. It makes me see the light and the beauty of the world.

46、Red roses have the most abundant colors, including red, pink and bright red. People like to decorate it in their homes and shopping malls.



49、In summer, the vegetation is particularly lush. The leaves of holly are shiny and the old elm is luxuriant, giving people a thick green shade.

50、In midsummer, the Chinese rose is like a girl in a pink dress, dancing among the green leaves; The peony blossoms are more beautiful. She is charming, gorgeous and fragrant. Those old poplar trees are also full of green, like an open green velvet umbrella.

51、Spring walked along with the shatter,in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.

52、The sun shines its round shadow on the ground through the dense leaves of elm trees. The south wind in late summer and early autumn brings the aroma of new wheat and the smell of Artemisia. The late summer and early autumn in Beiman are beautiful seasons. It is the best day of the year. The weather is neither cold nor hot. The ground is still green and people are not too busy.

53、The sap in early summer is flowing everywhere around us, in weeds and herbs, in low shrubs and tall trees. Sap passes through tens of thousands of miles of tiny channels that surround leaves and stems. In our imagination, we try to imagine how vast a great lake and how surging a river will be created by all this.




57、I like it. I like the green summer, because I can indulge in swimming in the pool in summer. Summer brings joy to children. They are the happiest angels in summer. I like it. I like the stormy summer, because the summer rain is so straightforward. The lotus flowers in summer show us smiling faces, and the lotus leaves in summer show us their charm.

58、summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits.







65、All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now on.

66、All in all, i love summer very much! you should start practicing your english from now on.

67、The summer is so urgent that people will deeply understand what is unbearable heat in a few days.

68、Summer is the second season in a year. it is between spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

69、Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.


71、Cicadas life was playing music. It was so small but so loud that it rang through a summer. Although he had only more than 90 days of life, he did not give up at all.

72、When the scorching sun moved overhead, the wheat field was filled with a heat wave like a fire, and the air seemed to stop flowing. The thresher shook its huge and bulky body, making a deafening sound, holding its head up and spitting out smoke and dust covering the sky and the earth.

73、Summer is happy. The hot summer is a good time for swimming. Unable to hold back the children have been three groups, two groups, like a rocket to the swimming pool. They quickly changed their clothes. xxxPlop!xxx With a sound, they have rushed into the pool one after another. The swimming circle is like blossoming flowers on the swimming pool. The children are like lively and lovely ducklings swimming around freely. They have a lot of tricks! Some are swimming butterfly stroke; Some are swimming breaststroke; Others are swimming backstroke! The swimming pool will always be the garden of Eden in our hearts. The children laughed, screamed and shouted, xxxits so coolxxx and xxxcoolxxx. The adults could not help it any longer. They jumped into the water to play with the children, as if they had returned to their innocent and beautiful childhood. How happy they are!

74、Summer is warm, heroic and unrestrained. I admire your beauty and your innate temperament. You reveal the reality in your romance. There is no lack of masculinity in your softness and liveliness in your quiet. Everything about you is so beautiful. I would like to spend my life listening to your call -- hot summer.


76、The bird has gone somewhere; The plants and trees are all dejected, like dying; Only the cicada kept shouting at the broken hair of the branch; The broken gongs and drums are really cheering for the scorching sun!


78、The midsummer weather, the fiery sun, swept away the crystal dew in the morning, and ruled the universe until after dusk. What a heavy and boring time! Under this kind of oppression, people seem to lose their active vitality lazily, especially in the afternoon; The small stones lying on the road made a loud noise and scorched peoples feet.

79、The cherry tree was planted in the garden. Every spring, it is full of beautiful flowers. Every summer, the whole tree is full of fruit. The taste is different from the local cherry. It is especially sweet, like a honeycomb filled with honey.

80、In summer, my favorite is the charming green. The grass in the park is like a green carpet in front of me. It is as green as emerald and as green as jasper.

81、Summer is coming and the sun is burning. The hot sun scorched the earth. Everywhere was like a big stove. Only the lush shade could slightly block the incoming heat wave. xxxCicadas, cicadas...xxx there are cicadas tireless cries everywhere. The sound is sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent. One after another, it seems to be composing the music of summer.


83、No rain or wind. The scorching sun makes the heat unbearable. Located in the valley, the xxx55 kilometerxxx xiaoleng market is even more hot.

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