


1、请问你是什么品种,竟然这么凶?what breed are you, unexpectedly so fierce?2、老子来到这个世界上,就从来没有打算能够活着回去,所以谁怕谁呀?I came to this world never intending to get back alive, so who is afraid of whom?3、虽然我这个人一辈子不喜欢与别人争抢东西,但是是我该得到的东西,我也不会让。Although I do not like to fight for things with others all my life, but is what I should get, I will not let.4、我对你的微笑有时是出于礼貌,但有时也是出于警告。Sometimes I smile at you out of politeness, but sometimes also out of warning.5、你一天到晚摆这么些脸色给谁看,我的眼睛又不是染缸,装不下你的各种脸色。You give such a face all day long to see who, my eyes are not dye VAT, can not hold you all kinds of face.6、我对于你的刁难,保持沉默,不是怕你,我只是懒得理你而已。I am not afraid of you. I am just too lazy to talk to you.7、我让你一次,你就得寸进尺,那我这次就让你知道什么人不好惹。I let you once, you push your luck, then I will let you know who is not easy to mess with this time.8、分手就分手,拜拜就拜拜,下一个更乖。Break up on break up, bye bye bye bye bye, the next better.9、自从遇到你,我才知道不要脸这件事,有时候干得好,叫心理素质过硬。Since I met you, I just know not to face this matter, sometimes well done, called psychological quality.10、那些在我最困难的时候泼我冷水的人,请记住,总有一天我要烧开了水再泼回去。Those who pour cold water on me in my most difficult time, please remember, one day I will boil the water and pour it back.11、千万不要把我的态度和个性混为一谈,我的个性决定了我是谁,而我的态度是取决于你是谁。Never confuse my attitude with my personality. My personality is who I am, and my attitude is who you are.12、记住,这个世界上没有人值得你为他掉眼泪,因为值得让你这样的人,是不会让你哭泣的。Remember, no man or woman is worth your tears, because the one who is, won't make you cry.13、有时候突然会觉得,我一个人熬过了所有的苦难,好像也就不奢望和谁在一起了。Sometimes I suddenly feel that I have gone through all the hardships alone, as if I don't expect to be with anyone.14、我做我自己喜欢的事情,轮不到你在这指手画脚,如果你看不惯,可以选择把眼睛闭上。反正你说的,我又不会听,更不会改。I do what I like. It's not your turn to tell me what to do. If you don't like it, you can choose to keep your eyes closed. Anyway, you say, I will not listen to, more will not change.15、其实命运可能是公平的,他给了你不堪的外表,还可能给你一个很低的智商,这样你就会显得协调点。Fate may be fair. It may give you a bad look. It may also give you a low IQ, so that you can appear more harmonious.16、过去的事情就让他过去吧,毕竟拎着垃圾的手,没有办法去迎接新的礼物。Let bygones be bygones. After all, with garbage in hand, there is no way to greet new gifts.17、生活告诉我们,不是所有的事情都会被原谅,因为各有各的底线,做错了,就应该为自己的错误买单。Life has taught us that not everything can be forgiven, because each has its own bottom line. If you make a mistake, you should pay for it.18、千万不要做让自己后悔的事情,要做就做让别人后悔的事情。Never do things that you regret. Do things that others regret.19、如果真的爱,就要不顾一切的在一起,如果不爱了,就请分开,不要拖泥带水的。If you really love, you should be together regardless of everything, if you don't love, please separate, don't drag.20、凭什么我自己受了委屈,还要对你假装大度,善解人意是什么东西?就是委屈我自己让你开心吗?做梦!Why should I be wronged and pretend to be generous and considerate to you? Is it just me making you happy? Have a dream!

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