


情侣古风英语句子 精选130句

1、此情不过烟雨碎,挫骨扬灰终不悔。This situation is only broken by smoke and rain, and will not regret.



4、I sincerely apologize.

5、Why on earth don't they come over and apologize for taking the wrong bags? 他们到底为什么不过来对拿错了包的事儿表示道歉?



8、Thoughts of you dance through my mind.Knowing, it is just a matter of time.一日不见,如三秋兮。

9、We apologize for the mix-up. We've sorted things out now. 我们对我方的失误表示道歉。此类事件不会再发生了。

10、Every day without you is like a book without pages.


12、Why on earth don't they come over and apologize for taking wrong bags? 为什么他们不过来对拿错了包儿表示道歉?


14、I"ll think of you every step of way.人生恰如三月花,倾我一生一世念。


16、Nuclear power and the location of the East Acting Deputy Minister Junichi Matsumoto, said: "I'm sorry." 东电的原子能及选址代理总部长代理松本纯一表示:“很抱歉。

17、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.

18、The News Channel presenter live in the studio acknowledged a mistake had been made, and we apologise for any offence caused. 摄影棚直播中的新闻频道主持人已经承认了错误,我们对导致的任何不快表示道歉。



21、He expressed his disappointment and he apologized, I think, in a way that was very moving. 他表达了自己的失望并道歉,我认为,某种程上来看他是非常真诚的。

22、I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for the worries that we have caused to the people around the world, including China, for the recent recalls. 我发自内心的为我们给包括中国在内的全球消费者带来的担忧表示道歉,为我们最近的召回事件表示道歉。

23、I'm trying to apologize for any inconvenience caused by my mistake. It's a big mistake. 他说:“我对因为我的错误引起的任何不便表示道歉,这是一个严重的错误。”

24、I"ll think of you every step of the way.

25、Life is the flower for which love is the honey.

26、Don’t undermine your value by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special.

27、三杯浑白酒,几句话衷肠。何时归故里,和她笑一场。Three cups of muddy white wine, a few words heartfelt. When to return home, laugh with her.

28、情不敢至深恐大梦一场,卦不敢算尽畏天道无常。I dare not to be afraid of a big dream. I dare not to be afraid of the impermanence of heaven.

29、I hope you can forgive me.

30、In his resignation statement, Weiner people from the community to elect him and his family an apology. 在辞职声明中,韦纳向选举他的社区民众和家人表示道歉。



33、原来山盟海誓说遍,似这般都付与过眼云烟!It turns out that vows of alliance have been made all over the world!


35、In a later statement, Mattel said that some reports had "mischaracterised" its comments and said it had "apologised to the Chinese today just as it has wherever its toys are sold". 美泰在之后的一项声明中表示,某些报道“歪曲”了它的评论,并表示,公司“如今向中方致歉,与该公司向玩具消费者致歉的性质一样”。


37、(may的过去式)(表示请求或婉转的责备)请;应该 You might at least apologize. 你至少应该道歉一下。

38、If we can only encounter each otherrather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered?若只是遇你如一曲惊鸿,未能濡沫以共。莫如当初不相逢。



41、Don’t set your goals by what other people think important. Only you know what is best for you.


43、I love three things in the world.The sun, the moon and You.The sun for morning, the moon for night,and You forever.浮世三千,吾爱有三。日、月与卿。日为朝,月为暮。卿为朝朝暮暮。

44、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.

45、墨染天下,红尘的浮华,是你手中酝酿的笔尖花。Ink dyeing the world, the flourishing of the red dust, is the tip of your pen brewed in your hands.





50、北城别,回眸三生琥珀色。西城诀,转身一世琉璃白。Beicheng farewell, looking back at Sansheng amber. Xicheng recipe, turn around a lifetime of glazed white.

51、Mr Brown had contacted Mrs Janes to apologise about a letter of condolence which contained a series of errors. 布朗先生曾经和琼斯夫人接触,为一封错误百出的吊唁信表示道歉。


53、The tone fo apology indicated her sincerity. 她道歉的口气表明了她的诚心。

54、I love thee,till the ends of being.愿得一人心,白首不分离。




58、Wang read a letter of apology on their behalf. Wang读了道歉信代表他们的。



61、No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won"t make you cry.泪如珠玉不复惜,若是良人无须啼。





66、To every New Yorker, and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize. 我向每一个纽约人和所有相信我所代表的价值观的人表示诚挚的道歉。

67、I apologized for giving her a slothful, dishonest computer. 我竟然送给妈妈一台偷懒的、不诚实的电脑! 为此,我表示道歉。

68、纵是风月千年,万里江山,也不及与你对视的瞬间。Even if the wind and the moon are thousands of years, the rivers and mountains are not as good as the moment when you look at each other.

69、A BBC spokesman said, ''Judi meant no offence and apologized on air very shortly after the comments were made.'' BBC一名发言人说:“朱蒂无意冒犯,并在发表言论后立即通过广播表示道歉。”

70、The leader apologized and claimed he was confused by the dates. 那位带头人表示道歉并声称他弄混了日期。

71、That was wrong of me.

72、人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。People idle sweet scented osmanthus fall, night static spring sky.

73、Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

74、Pray make my excuses and adieus to her. 请代我表示歉意,并向她告别。

75、You"d know,how the time flies.光阴常无踪,词穷不敢道荏苒。

76、At the end of the statement, Mr To bowed in apology. 发表声明后,涂谨申鞠躬道歉。

77、风掠过树梢,碎落一地的花瓣,成为季节里的残痕。The wind swept through the treetops, shattering the petals of the ground, becoming the remnants of the season.

78、可怜的, 可悲的 The world is certainly in a sorry state. 这个世界的现状实在可悲。

79、The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman"s heart.

80、Again he told her how sorry he was. 他再一次向她表示深深的歉意。

81、花开满城,明灯三千,所向披靡。Flowers are blooming all over the city, and there are three thousand bright lights, which are invincible.


83、Over the weekend, Tang and his teammates wrote letters of apology online. 周末,唐清威和其队友在网上发表了道歉信。

84、Lu jia jia, first of all, to the dream XiaoWei apologized and said before is your own fault. 吕佳佳首先向梦晓薇表示道歉,称之前都是自己的错。


86、I was wrong on that.


88、A:Amanda,I'm so sorry about what happened. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. A:阿曼达,我对发生的事情感到很抱歉,我发自内心的向你道歉。

89、sorry表示普通的对不起 感到伤心的, 觉得难过的, 惋惜的 I am sorry about your father's illness. 对于你父亲的病我感到很难过。

90、他浑身都是圆圆的,特别是肚子像酒桶一般凸起来,人没到,肚子先到了。He was round all over, especially his stomach protruded like a barrel. If he didn't arrive, his stomach arrived...

91、I want to apologize.



94、In Chinese culture, people make serious apologies to others by pouring them tea as a sign of regret or submission. 在中国文化里,人们用倒茶的方式向他人道歉,表示悔意或谦恭。

95、对迟复邀请表示歉意 Apologizing for being unable to give an early reply



98、Well, not that emotional,but I move the heart.情如风雪无常,却是一动即殇。


100、嘴角挂着一抹邪异的微笑,听着那个夏日留下的歌。A strange smile hung from the corner of my mouth and I listened to the song left by that summer.



103、Without you,no matter how beautiful the city is,it is just null.世人谓我恋长安,其实只恋长安某。



106、Why did we not meet before I was made a wife.恨不相逢未嫁时。

107、But every once in a whileyou find someone who"s iridescent,and when you do,nothing will ever compare.斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。


109、A:Amanda,I'm so sorry about what happened. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. 阿曼达,我对发生的事情感到很抱歉,我发自内心的向你道歉。

110、Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.

111、But Pengshui police already said the libel case against Qin Zhongfei was unfounded, and apologized to Qin for injuries caused. 可是彭水警方已经明确表示秦中飞诽谤案属于错案,并对给秦造成的伤害表示了道歉。

112、AT&T sent us a statement apologizing for the breach and downplaying the impact AT&T公司给我们发来了声明,对泄露事件表示道歉,并希望淡化影响

113、Effectively expressing a sincere apology is a valuable function that will not only show off your English , it will also show off your excellent manners. 及时有效地表达一份真诚的道歉是至关重要的,它不仅可以向他人显示你用英语道歉的水平,而且可以体现你雍容的风度。


115、Palmer makes a public statement apologizing for any misunderstanding about his death. 帕默发表一个公开声明,为任何关于他的死讯的误解表示道歉。

116、With that in mind, I would like to apologise now, in advance and on behalf the whole press room, for any typos that may crop up in the coming months. 从这种意义上来讲,我现在想道歉,提前并代表整个新闻发布室的同仁,为今后数月内可能出现的拼写、打印出的错,表达我们的歉意。


118、Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life.

119、Oh, my bad.

120、I miss you so much already and I haven"t even left yet!

121、耳边依稀是你声声挽留,是你声声挽留,不能再留。The ear is vaguely your voice retained, is your voice retained, can not be retained.

122、You ought to apologize and show there is no ill feeling between you . 你应当道歉,表明你们之间并无恶感。




126、After the not-guilty verdict, Scott apologized to Mr. F for dismissing Mrs. 在无罪的裁决出来后,Scott向F先生道歉,表示不应该忽视Molodeski女士的意见。

127、I’m so sorry.

128、敌不过的哪是似水流年,江山早为你我说定了永别。What can't be defeated is like a flowing year, Jiangshan has long said goodbye to you.



情侣古风英语句子 精选100句


2、According to a series of studies conducted by Risen and Gilovich (2007), observers are harsher on an insincere apology than the person at whom it is directed. 根据Risen和Gilovich做的一系列研究表明,观察者对于不诚恳的道歉比道歉所针对的人更加严格一点。

3、My fault, bro.


5、Apologize to your children if you feel the need. 如果你觉得有必要向你的孩子道歉,那就去做。

6、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.

7、弱水三千,繁华红尘宴。临风笑却世间,封尘也艳。Weak water 3000, prosperous red dust banquet. Facing the wind and laughing, but in the world, the dust is also gorgeous.

8、愿你遇良人,予你欢喜城,长歌暖浮生。May you meet a loved one, and rejoice in the city, and live a long song.



11、Neither they nor the president offered apologies for their roles in the affair. 他们两人与总统,谁都没有为自己在这一冲突事件中的作用表示道歉。



14、He said Japan must express deep remorse and apologize to the women. He repeatedly denied any intention to whitewash Japan's wartime responsibility. 他表示日本必须对这些妇女表达深深的懊悔和道歉。他再次重复表示拒绝任何意图洗白日本战时的罪责。


16、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.

17、相濡以沫,执子之手偕老。Help each other and grow old together.



20、We apologise unreservedly for any imputation of incorrect behaviour by Mr Taylor. 我们为泰勒先生有关不当行为的非难表示诚挚道歉。

21、In a statement issued in response to the publication of the photos the US army apologised to the families of the dead. 针对照片被公开发表,美军在一份声明中向死者家属表示了道歉。



24、I’d like to apologize.


26、While the man's politeness is demonstrated when apologizing for having done something wrong, something that should be noticed even more is the understanding of the woman in accepting his apology. 对话不仅表现了这位男士在发现自己做错了事并向对方道歉时表现出的礼貌态度,而且更加表露出这位女士在接受道歉时的善解人意。

27、I take full responsibility.

28、As a general rule, the expression of empathy to the customer should come right after the apology. 一般的规则是,向客户道歉后应该马上表达你的同情。

29、Hold my hand along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。




33、"He seems to be angry," she says."I seem to have become a target.It's not very gentlemanly or gracious.But he did send me a letter apologizing for his last outburst, right before his wedding. 他这样做有失风度,也没气量,但就在他结婚之前给我写了一封道歉信,对他前一段的失控行为表示道歉。



36、It's not very gentlemanly or gracious. But he did send me a letter apologizing for his last outburst, right before his wedding. 他这样做有失风度,也没气量,但就在他结婚之前给我写了一封道歉信,对他前一段的失控行为表示道歉。

37、笔落,墨出,一笔笔一画画,勾勒出一个盛世王朝。Brush strokes, ink strokes, painting strokes, outline a flourishing dynasty.

38、说是寂寞的秋的清愁,说是辽远的海的相思。Said is lonely autumn Qingchou, said is the distant sea Acacia.

39、Amanda, I'm so sorry about what happened. I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. 阿曼达,人对发生的事情感到很抱歉,人发自内口的背你道歉。

40、My mistake.

41、When asked to comment whether Zidane had apologised, Boumsong said: "Yes, yes of course." 当问道齐达内是否已道歉时,布姆松说:“是,是的。”

42、纵是风月千年,万里江山也不及与你对视的瞬间。Even if the wind and the moon are thousands of years old, the mountains and rivers are not as good as the moment when you look at each other.

43、Hearing this, Mencius felt very ashamed and immediately went to apologize to his wife. 孟子听了非常惭愧,急忙向妻子道歉。




47、I like you, but just like you.错蒙君垂顾,未敢赴阳台!

48、Love is a play that a person who gets and losses.风月入我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

49、I owe you an apology.


51、Sorry, I don't. My watch is in the repair shop. 抱歉,我不知道。我的表已送去修理店了。


53、对不起的, 抱歉的; 懊悔的 I'm sorry for giving so much trouble. 对不起, 给你添了很多麻烦。


55、谁为谁把青丝熬成白发,谁为谁把青春耗成落花。Who boils the green silk into white hair, who consumes the youth into falling flowers.


57、An apology can't fix everything, and Benedict Cumberbatch seems to know that. 一句道歉并不能挽回一切,本尼迪克特?康伯巴奇也深谙此理。

58、Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would cling to your life, for without them, life is meaningless.

59、I apologize for what I said about you. 我对我说过你的闲话向你表示歉意。


61、老子说,上善若水。其实心亦如水,方能见融万物。Laozi said, "Good is like water." In fact, the heart is like water, only then can we see and melt all things.


63、We apologize for the trouble caused by this matter 对此事带来的麻烦我们表示歉意




67、I want to apologise to you Sukanda. 我想向你道歉,苏坎达。

68、魂已断,曲空转,人已远,清目血泪含,坠红颜。The soul is broken, the song is empty, the man is far away, the eyes are clear, the eyes are bloody and tearful, and the face is red.



71、It shows your remorse over your actions

72、You make my heart smile.

73、I had that wrong.

74、My apologies.

75、When you give the reason for your apology you communicate that you understand the frustration. 当你为你的道歉给出原因时,你要表达清楚你已经明白错在哪里了。

76、总在不经意的年生,回首彼岸,纵然发现光景绵长。Always inadvertently, looking back on the other side, even if found a long scene.

77、It acknowledges the hurt that your actions have caused to someone else.

78、Meanwhile, may I tender to you my sincere apology for the inconvenience caused by my failure to inform the university on time. 并对自己未予学校及时认真沟通造成的麻烦表示深深的道歉。



81、And an apology does not necessarily signal remorse, adds co-author Madan Pillutla of the London Business School. 而道歉也不一定表示懊悔,合著者伦敦商学院的梅丹·佩鲁特拉补充道。

82、At a special party meeting he convened Tuesday, Mr. Aso apologized for recent election losses. 在他周二召集的一个特别党务会议上,麻生太郎对最近的选举失利表示了道歉。

83、So let me lay out a public apology for what may have been interpreted as rude and obnoxious. 所以请允许我发表一篇公众道歉信,为我之前可能粗鲁和导致你不愉快的言论致歉。


85、Brief is life, but love is long.


87、My heart is with you.

88、胸藏文墨怀若谷,腹有诗书气自华。The chest is full of culture and ink, and the belly is full of poetry and calligraphy.

89、那日后无人敢与我言你,亦无人知晓我多想听闻你。No one dared speak to me that day, nor did anyone know how much I wanted to hear about you.

90、倾我一生一世念,来如飞花散似烟.I spend my whole life reading like flying flowers and smoke

91、Because of you,I never stray too far from the sidewalk.Because of you,I learned to play on the safe side.Because of you,I find it hard to trust not only me,Because of you,I am afraid.但为君故,不远陌上。但为君故,惜身不徨。但为君故,别无他信。但为君故,诚恐如今。

92、多少红颜悴,多少相思碎,唯留血染墨香哭乱冢。How many red faces, how many lovesickness broken, only blood stained ink crying chaotic graves.

93、Pachauri has refused to apologise for the claim, though the IPCC has issued a statement expressing regret for the mistake. 虽然IPCC已经发表声明为此错误表示遗憾,但是帕乔里拒绝为此断言道歉。


95、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.


97、Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.


99、Mancini said had invited Tévez to his house after the Argentine's two-week suspension in order to allow Tévez the opportunity to apologize. 曼奇尼表示他曾在阿根廷人两周的停赛令下达后邀请特维斯去他的家中,给他道歉的机会。

100、I apologize.

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